- 論文の詳細を見る
After the Permian-Early Mesozoic Honshu tectogenesis, the older Honshu arc was differentiated into two major units; the Honshu major belt and a series of outer eugeosynclinal belts. During the Mesozoic and the Palaeogene, the Honshu major belt was no more eugeosynclinal. The mesotectonic process of this belt is regarded as a "subsequent" stage of the Palaeotectonic evolution (ICHIKAWA, 1964) and not as a result of a new repetition of a typical orogenic cycle which begins with a eugeosynclinal condition. Concerning the structural pattern, the sedimentary facies and particularly, the aspect of the terrestrial andesitic-rhyolitic volcanisms, it may be compared with the Permian subsequent stage of the Variscan tectogenesis in Central Europe, but it continued for a much longer time (ca. 150 million years) and involves much more dominant granitic activity. Certain genetical resemblance of the Mesotectonic process between the Honshu major belt and the eastern margin of the Asiatic continent (Sikhote-Alin, Korea and eastern part of China) was mentioned. It is concluded that a series of Late Mesozoic tectonic unstability of the Honshu major belt, with the remarkable igneous activity in the inner side, represents a particular type of the "subsequent" diastrophism (after the main eugeosynclinal tectogenetic process) within a polyorogenic belt in the transitional area between the continent and the ocean.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1966-09-25
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