政治腐敗と刑事規制 : いわゆる「口利き」規制をめぐって(前野育三教授退任記念論集)
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The corruptive case caught in the mediation of the member of an assembly doesn't end in such cases as the adoption to the public enterprise and the official. These cases constitute crimes such as bribery or bid-rigging of Japanese Criminal Law. But the limit is not so clear between improperly (illegal) meddling and good (constructive) mediation. Last year in Kobe City, a former Kobe Municipal Assembly chairman was arrested on suspicion of accepting 3 million yen from an industrial waste disposal farms as a reward for pressing a senior municipal official to stop the construction of a rival facility. He was indicted for forcing the Kobe government to revise building guidelines for industrial waste facilities and received a total of 6 million yen. As the effective measures to prevent such a improperly meddling, some local governments which record mediation and which introduces it to the public increase to prevent unjust intervention to the administration like this. This araticle also propose that all mediation should be recorded and introduced to the piblic by local ordinance.
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 政治腐敗と刑事規制 : いわゆる「口利き」規制をめぐって(前野育三教授退任記念論集)
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