- 論文の詳細を見る
In aq recent paper I have considered and analyzed the overall course of Japanese-American internment in the United States during World War II. In that consideration and analysis I discussed the reasons for and significance of taking up this matter more than 60years after the conclusion of the war. What were the background factors and mechanisms that led to the internment, and what has been and needs to be done in order to prevent a re-occurrence of such a tragic situation in future? In previous work, due to a limitation in the number of pages that could be devoted to the subject matter, the concrete process of political procedures, and the realities of the people who were most affected were not adequately disclosed. The purpose of this paper is, therefore, to focus on minute actualities of Japanese-American people's internment, using "facts" discovered and uncovered in various written materials, as well as verbal evidence obtained through field research. The present paper consists of three sections. The first section focuses on the political procedures of authorities that led to the interment. The second section covers the reactions and responses of the Japanese-American society in the United States toward such procedures. The concluding third section will foreground the realities of those people who actually experienced internment. In this final section I will present and analyze the physical and mental burdens that were cast on the people who actually experienced internment due to the anomalistic course of action resulting from the ad-hoc policy of authorities in America at that time.
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