日系アメリカ人コミュニティの形成・展開過程 : カリフォルニア州Cortezの場合
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The aim of this article is to analyze the Japanese-American agricultural community called Cortez from the viewpoints of family and kinship. Cortez community is located about 200 kilometers southeast of San Francisco. It was the third community founded in 1919 by Kyutaro Abiko, a San Francisco newspaper publisher, businessman and immigrant leader. Prior to this community, he founded two other Japanese American agricultural communities, one called Yamato Colony in 1906 and the other Cressey Colony in 1918 near Cortez Colony. In those days, the majority of Japanese workers intended to make their fortunes and then return to Japan. They considered themselves dekasegi workers, only going away temporarily. Abiko was one of the influential persons who advocated permanent residency. Permanent residency was one of the best ways to decrease the discrimination and prejudice against Japanese in the United States from the host society, Abiko thought. More than 85 years have passed since Cortez community started. During that time, residents in Cortez have met such tragic and severe experiences as the depression in the 1920's, Pearl Harbor, and Merced Assembly Center and Concentration Camp in Amache, many of which they, old and young, still remember vividly. In spite of these troubles they faced, they continued to strive for their good life, making the most of the Cortez Growers Association, Christian and Buddhist Churches, and other institutions which they organized. Many descendants whose great-grand fathers moved there in 1919 are still living now, in Cortez community. Cortez community has been maintaining its continuity, but some social changes are taking place in terms of marriages and jobs. The numbers of intracommunity marriage are decreasing, and those who have stopped farming are increasing. On the contrary, the numbers of residents who intermarry and those who are doing nonfarming jobs are increasing. This means younger generations are moving to other places, especially to urban areas. Cortez community is changing.
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 2005-11-08
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