大和高原地方における与力制度の変容 : 史・資料とアンケート調査結果にみる
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The Yoriki-system that prevails in the north-eastern hills area of Nara prefecture is one of those mutual cooperative relationships which have been institutionalized since the 17th century and have remained as a local custom until today. In 1970s when we formerly did research in the villeges in this area, most of inhabitants regarded that the Yoriki-system was indispensable to their villege life and might reasonably subsist, except a few having some doubts about what it should be. More than 20 years have passed since our first research. The changes of the industrial and social structure in Japan since '80 s and the social changes such as the construction of high way and the establishment of factories in this area have caused many inhabitants to change their way of life, not only their jobs but also their world view and lifestyle. According to the research conducted in 1997〜8, more than half of the householders still consider the Yoriki-system is necessary for their villege life. But, 40% or more of the householders don't decide it necessary. Especially, it seems, the younger generations feel somewhat out of place with the others who invade into their daily private life as Yoriki.
- 神戸女学院大学の論文
- 2003-07-20
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