医学の立場から(シンポジウム 医療における新しい薬剤師像)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1872, the westernized Japanese government of the Meiji Restoration proclaimed a law which legalized the separation of pharmacy and medicine, imitating the tradition of western countries in those days. However, traditional Japanese (and also classical Chinese) medicine identified diagnosis with therapy, and most of the physicians had long been accustomed to compounding drugs by themselves at a patient's bedside. Even the westernized physicians continued to maintain the right to prepare drugs, which was permitted by an exceptional provision in the above-mentioned law. Moreover, the Japanese government in the Meiji era adopted the German medical system as a desirable model for Japanese medicine. This choice resulted in the introduction of a physiciancentered medical model following the German social system in the 19th century, in which doctors regarded other health professionals, including pharmacists as physicians' servants. Since then the social standing of Japanese pharmacists has been unduly low, far lower than in Europe, where this profession maintained a position called "the Great No.1 ", viz. the most trusted profession. For this reason the students of present Japanese pharmaceutical colleges have gloomy prospects for their future and have little pride in their profession. To overcome these gloomy prospects it is necessary to reform the physician-centered medical system, making it a patient-centered one based on equal standings of all health professionals. At the same time, more interest in human values should be introduced into both medicine and pharmacy, which are too science-oriented and dehumanized today. If the medical system is reformed in such a favorable way, the pharmaceutical students will have pride in their profession and will be able to take active parts in the clinical field. However there are still many obstacles to be overcome before the realization of this ideal.
- 日本医学哲学・倫理学会の論文
- 1991-07-31
- 脳死に関する考察
- 15.糖尿病性腎症における血液凝固線溶系について : Fibrinopeptide Aを中心として
- 8.インドール酢酸の細胞増殖作用と腫瘍マーカーとしての臨床的意義
- 医学思想の伝統と未来
- 脳死・臓器移植問題への提言(第8回日本生命倫理学会年次大会セッション「脳死・臓器移植」)
- 全人的医療の教育方法に関する研究(第1報) : 卒前教育におけるターミナル・ケア教育(ガン・ターミナルケア)
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- EBMの思想的基盤
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- インフォ-ムド・コンセントとは (インフォ-ムド・コンセント)
- 36. 学生へのイメージ・アンケートによる「産業医への動機づけ教育」の効果判定 : 第二報 (第10回産業医科大学学会総会学術講演会記録)
- 医学の立場から(シンポジウム 医療における新しい薬剤師像)
- II.基調報告(2)日本における脳死問題の議論の特徴
- 産業医への動機づけ教育の効果判定 : イメージ・アンケートと自己評価の試み
- 1.「産業医への動機づけ教育」におけるイメージ・アンケートおよび「自己評価」の教育的効果について
- 医の倫理とその教育
- 脳死と人間の死
- 国際医学教育会議 : 地域社会のニーズの変化と将来の医学教育(1986,京都)
- 臨床の知の可能性と限界 : 医師・患者関係に関する人間学的考察(第一部)
- 1.人間教育としてのチーム医療実習
- 医師・患者関係の人間学的考察
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- 第13回国際バリント研究会に出席して
- 歴史に映した医学概論
- 死をみとる医療と医学教育