剣道における安全対策に関する一考察 : 特に頭部打撲事故について
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This paper reports on head injuries which occured by falling down that happened during games in the 7-high-school-Kendo-club-training-camp in May, 1994. As a result of the accident, the possibility of preventing further injuries has been examined from the following points of view; the results of a questionaire, comparison among other sports rules on dangerous actions and the legal responsibilities for the injuries which happen during a game or practice. 1) We analized every angle of the accident which was casually recorded on an 8 millimeters video by a student. The opponent pushed forward player A's upper arm soon after A's completing Men-uchi. Then A fell down on the floor, strongly hitting his head. 2) The accident caused him to have a very strong concussion of the brain; falling unconscious, stopping breathing temporarily and a convulsion attack on the whole body. Fortunately, he recovered and came back to practice Kendo without having any aftereffects. 3) The questionaire was about whether Kendo players had any experience of falling down and hitting their head on the floor during the game or practice. The following points were clarified: a) 97.1 percent of the players have fallen down on the floor. b) 52.5 percent of the players have hit their head on the floor. c) 29.4 percent of the players have injured their head. The number of those players accounts for 56.2 percent of the players in 2). d) 78.4 percent of the players have seen other players having some difficulty in standing up after falling down. e) 60.4 percent of the players feel that some new rules against irregularities should be considered to avoid accidents on the head. 4) Other sports have some common penalties such as being ordered out of the game when the player's action is expected to risk his or her opponent's life, or life as an athlete, even though no injury is involved. 5) Considering items 1) to 4), the following points were suggested: a) The legal responsibility for the accident reported in this paper should be considered further. b) The instructors should be more aware of controlling appropriate surroundings for games and practice, especially for beginners. c) The instructors need to have some basic knowledge and skill in emergency first aid in case anything serious happens.
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