学習指導要領改訂に伴う武道の単元計画の検討 : 剣道における「形」指導上の留意点を中心に
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The revised course of study emphasizes increasing international understanding and learning respect for Japanese culture and its tradition. When the revised course of study was published, the name 'Kakugi' was changed to 'Budo'. The purpose of this study is to make clear the role of Budo in school education through the study of Kendo using the Kata teaching methods. Kata was originated in order to define and standardize the basic Kendo movements. It was first developed as one of the teaching materials for the introduction of Shinai Kendo. There are several Kata teaching methods in the unit programs: Teaching Kata intensively in the first lessons only; teaching Kata in each lesson little by little; group learning and coeducational lessons. It is important for the teacher to be well enough practised in Kata to have mastered the basic movements. However, the teacher should aim to bring to students the unified concept of Kata and not simply to perform the figures and their processes perfectly.
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