剣道の打撃動作における一考察 : 上肢と下肢との協調について
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Studies have been continued for some years on hitting motion in Kendo (Japanese fencing) with effective coordination motion of various parts of the body and efficient hitting as arms. However, the studies made so far concerned majorly with basic unit hitting. As to continued tricks in which the factor of Kendo's dynamic posture seems to be displayed remarkably, no studies have been made excepting Tsuboi's study on two-motion Men hitting. In this study, therefore, the objectives were placed on basic Men hitting and two-motion blows-Kote → Men and Men → Men, as well as on concerted motion between arms and legs among experienced fencers and beginners, and on postures variable at angles. At the same time, to see differences between the experienced and non-experienced as to changes in postures as seen from the point of speed, concerted motion and so on, and to see how effectively experienced fencers were making blows, were also the objectives of the present study. The results of the study are as shown below. Conclusion In the case of beginners, marked up and down motions were seen as compared with experienced fencers. In addition to that finding, in the case of beginners, concerted motions were not clearly seen between arms and legs when trying to accomplish their purposes, there was seen a tendency of their motions having being broken instead of having being continuous. While in the case of experienced fencers, even when complicated, continuous motions were to be made, blows were given in a single motion in which translation of the upper part of the body and an effective, balanced up and down motion were made. In other words, blowing was made in a rational, concerted motion between arms and legs, which may be said to be a highly efficient motion.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
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