オイディプス王はなぜ目を抉(えぐ)るのか : ギリシア劇考
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There has been no study that tried to show, the works of Greek tragedy and comic have common themes with each other and with two epics of Homer.Man can find in Homer twelve kinds of themes. (See about the themes in Homer my article "On the functions of the narrater in Homeric epics: Otsuma Journal of Comparative Culture 1 spring 2000) In this paper I would like to prove, by what kind of themes each of fourtyfour works extant of Greek tragic and comic writers, Aischylos Sophokles Euripides and Aristophanes are bound up with Homer. It follows from what I have shown, the Greek dramatic works succeed Homeric themes so faithfully that they are classified into twelve groups by themes. Themes, that I mean here, are similar to those, that man uses in classical music. Each of them appears in works changing over and over its form and shows itself indirectly, after all by resemblance between each other.
- 叙事詩の語り手について
- シエイクスピアとホメロスをめぐる十二章
- オイディプス王はなぜ目を抉(えぐ)るのか : ギリシア劇考
- プルーストの起源を求めて : 叙事詩と長編小説
- 続叙事詩の語り手について : 『イリアス』の場合 (リンダ・ギルバート先生追悼号)