プルーストの起源を求めて : 叙事詩と長編小説
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In this study I would like to show, that the structure of M. Proust's novel "In research of lost time" is similar to that of Homer's epic Odyssey (of which I have once given the particulars in "the Otsuma journal of comparative culture 2000). I think, Proust's novel is composed of 24 parts in the same way, as in Homer's "Odyssey". In "I" the narrator of the novel and the hero of this novel, who sees in the mind in his neighbor Swann, failed hero, banished because of his wife Odette from the aristocratic salon in Paris, his spiritual father and the hero, who is on the way to find out the theme of his work as writer, man can find out, TELEMACHOS, the inquirer of the missing of his father, and the hero of the epic, ODYSSEUS himself, who is on the way of longtime travel from Troy to his land and overcomes his enemy after the return. In Albertine, lover of the hero of the novel, who betrays the love of the hero as lesbian, man can recognize in this case too, two persons from Homer, the one, princess NAUSIKA, who helps the return of Odysseus, and the other, enemy, who conspire to overcome Odysseus. But the most distinct similarity between two works, so I think, is the theme. This appears in 24 parts without exception twice in order and can be reduced to 12 meanings: 1. country and family 2. friends 3. enemy 4. characters 5. hope 6. goddess 7. parent 8. children 9. health 10. marriages 11. death 12. the sungod.
- 大妻女子大学の論文
- 叙事詩の語り手について
- シエイクスピアとホメロスをめぐる十二章
- オイディプス王はなぜ目を抉(えぐ)るのか : ギリシア劇考
- プルーストの起源を求めて : 叙事詩と長編小説
- 続叙事詩の語り手について : 『イリアス』の場合 (リンダ・ギルバート先生追悼号)