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We experienced two cases of pleura-shock during artificial pneumothorax, in pulonary tuberculosis and obtained the following information: 1) It seem to us, that the pleura-shock during the artificial pneumo-thorax, occurs in special circumstances, such as in the case of nervous patients of debilitated condition etc. 2) If it occurs, the infused air ought to be driven out from the pleuro-cavity and an analgesic administered immediately. 3) In order to prevent shock of this kind, it is imperative that the pleura. should be accustomed to the pneumo-thorax. 4) We believe that when artificial pneumo-thorax is made in nervous and debilitated patients, it is very important to prevent this kind of shock by administering an analgesic containing atropin, such as "pavinalatropin" or "narcoponatropin" preoperatively.
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