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Of all the sciences advanced in modern times, the science of electricity seems to be the most remarkable, holding a place in the first rank of culture. It is because this science has the closest connection with and the widest utility on the practical side of human life. Electricity is utilised in many valuable useful ways, while it sometimes gives rise to much loss and damage to mankind. As to the general injuries caused by electricity so many experimental and clinical reports have been made by our predecessors that we can hardly quote them here one by one. But in the domain of otology it is very difficult to find reports of experimental and histological researches on injuries from electricity, except those by Messrs. Wakita (1922), Runge (1922) and Oda (1927). Though there are not a few reports about injuries to the otic organs without death caused by lightning, they are limited merely to clinical observations, and, moreover, detailed histological or experimental investigations appear to be almost wholly neglected. By such a method as follows I have made inquiries into the various changes in the otic organs, especially those in the inner ear, to bring them to light, and have obtained a result which may be regarded as trustworthy. I submit it here for purposes of reference by scholars in the same line of study. I made a healthy marmot lie down on its belly, fixing it on a plate of glass; and then put it in the second electric current circle of an X-ray apparatus, connecting the cathode to a certain part of the animal's body and fixing the anode at a distance of 5 centimetres from the animal. In such a condition a sudden spark discharge was made with a so called electric pressure of 50,000 volts, and after 30 seconds the current was switched off all at once. According to the various bodily parts with which the cathode was placed in contact or near which the discharge was made, we divided the experiments into the following three classes. I The cathode was connected with the sole of the right hind foot and discharged once in the occipital region. II Th cathode was placed in contact with the sole of the right hind foot and discharged once at the back. III The cathode was joined to the auricle and discharged once at the back. By the above-mentioned experiments we obtained the results which follow: When an electric discharge is made near the head or the back of a marmot for a certain time, at a certain distance, with a certatin electric pressure, from a certain electric source, the animal suffers a remarkable change from a clinical and histological point of view. These changes show differences respectively in accordance with the parts subjected to discharge, the parts connected with the cathode, the interval of survival after the experiment, and the individuality of the animal. In this experiment the nerve fibres, the ganglion cells, and the terminal apparatus are always injured, and especially so in the nerve fibres. The changes in the nerve fibres, the ganglion cells and the terminal apparatus seem to be original and no causality is detected between these changes. The sense-cells of the terminal apparatus are more severely attacked than the supporting cells. The nerve tissues of the cochlea rse generally more strongly attacked than those of the vestibule, aud the degree somewhat decreases according as the winding ascends. The changes in the nerve tissues seem to develop and intensify, and no sign of recovery is seen even more than a month after the experiment. The nervus facialis is also affected, but the change is slighter than in n. vestibularis. With regard to the changes in the medullary sheaths of the n. acusticus in this experiment, no such swelling is to be seen as takes place in case of an amputation of the nerves, and of poisoning or inflammation of the otic organs, and the thickness of all the nerve fibres decreases exceedingly. The degeneration of the n. acusticus by an electric shock does not necessarily involve the change of the centrum and the hemorrhage of the otic organs. Though the ear-drum suffers from traumatic changes, no traumatic perforation is observed. The changes in the second ear-drum are generally slight, and no severe destruction is to be seen. But the luxation of the joints of the stapes takes place frequently, especially more frequently in the anterior part than in the posterior. The hemorrhage in the inner ear is comparatively often detected in the lig. spirale of the upper winding, but it is rare in other parts. The Preyer reaction is generally indefinite, being slightly positive or negative in most cases. Even if the exit and the entrance of the electric current are situated in other parts than the head, the histological changes of the otic organs are brought out. The injury to the otic organs is more severe, when the cathode is connected with the auricle and a discharge is made near the back, compared with that the cathode is connected with the sole of the right hind foot and a discharge is made near the head. But when thecathode is joined with the sole of the right hind foot a discharge is made near the back, the injury is slighter than in the former two cases. The common changes in the otic organs by an electric shock are a hindrance to the circulation of the blood and a trauma that are caused by a super-physiological irritation, and besides an atropyy, a degeneration, and sometimes an inflammation are likely to follow. Particularly in the labyrinth, a change of pressure in the cavity of it, a serous transudation-a hindrance to the circulation of the blood in the wall of the labyrinth, traumatic changes of the soft tissues, above all, of the nervous tissues are caused. Although the stimulation stops in an instant, the changed nervous tisses seem to be unable to recover their normal state and to be destined to a miserable atrophy in the long run. Thougt it may be rash to reach a conclusion, applying the results of this experiment to a human body, I believe that I have obtained a fairly reliable solution with regard to the changes of the otic organs by an electric shock.
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