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Neogene siliceous shales are widely distributed in the southwestern part of the Shiretoko Peninsula, Northeast Hokkaido, Japan. These shales have been intruded by many basaltic dykes and sills, and some of these intrusive rocks erupted in submarine environments. In this paper, I describe the dykes, subaqueous flow deposits, massive lavas, lava lobes, and hyaloclastites in the Onnebetsu River in this district, to reconstruct a submarine volcano which intruded and erupted on the wet sediments. The dyke which intruded into the wet sediments formed peperites, and deformed the sediments. The magma exploded in the wet sediments and produced subaqueous pyroclastric flow deposits. It was probably due to phreatomagmatic explosion by contact-surface steam explosivity. Finally, several lavas grading into lava lobes and hyaloclastites flowed on the deposits. These volcanic rocks made up a monogenetic submarine volcano.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1990-11-25
後藤 芳彦
後藤 芳彦
後藤 芳彦
College of Environmental Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology
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