- 論文の詳細を見る
The Daisen volcanic ash formation is widely distributed in Tottori Prefecture, Southwest Japan. According to the San-in Quaternary Research Group, this formation is divided into four members ; upper, middle, lower and the lowermost volcanic ash members consisted. The lowermost volcanic ash members of about thirty layers are found at Okachi, Kurayoshi C. Tottori Prefecture. The thirty layers consisted of pumices, loams and pyroclastic flows are divided into eight units, namely, a, b, c, d, e, f, g and h units from the lower to the upper due to the unconformity planes, The eight units are classified into four groups according to the soil colours, namely, the first group (unit a), the second group (units b and c), the third group (units d, e, f, and g) and the fourth group (unit h). We have studied the mineralogical, clay mineralogical and soil micromorphological properties of the above mentioned volcanic ash formations by means of X-ray diffraction analysis, differential thermal analysis, electron-microscopic observations and electronprobe microanalysis. The results of the analyses are summarized in Table 1.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1975-09-20
田崎 和江
田崎 和江
佐治 孝弌
佐治 孝弌
田崎 和江
赤木 三郎
麻田 斉
麻田 斉
- 11B. 国際深海掘削計画第126節の成果報告 : 伊豆・小笠原弧の横断掘削 : その2(日本火山学会1989年秋季大会)
- 10B. 国際深海掘削計画第126節の成果報告 : 伊豆・小笠原弧の横断掘削 : その1(日本火山学会1989年秋季大会)
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- 37 ハロイサイトおよびカオリン鉱物の形態と化学組成に関する分析電顕による検討
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- 41. 粘土化した斜長石の微細形態
- 走査電顕による火山灰土中の風化鉱物の観察 : 第四紀
- 9.火山灰土中の斜長石から生成したハロイサイトの微形態について
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