9 スモール・ビジネスの経営戦略論 : 「岩場のカニ」モデルを中心にして(21世紀の経営教育)
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Management theory has been meant for big businesses, explicitly or implicitly. Why? Because, we believe, management theory was born and has been developing along with industrialization, which is, essentially, the birth and growth of the big business. Knowledge or information discovered and created in the managerial discipline has been from the big businesses and reflected upon them. However, reactivation of small businesses and nurturing ventures are critical issues now in Japan. Therefore, it is our view that building the management model for a small business is very important both for the development in the studies of management and for finding solutions to recent Japanese economic crisis. A model for the small business management has been built which is called "Crabs-on-Rocks" model, which is a business strategy model for small businesses. The model has been built on ecological observations of crabs on rocks, especially noting the behavioral difference between the large and the small. Based on the model, haracteristics of the small business have been analyzed . Then the issue of the difference between the business strategy for the big business and for the small businesses is analyzed. This is a partial result coming from the special project in 1997 and 1998 with the theme : Building Management Model for Small Businesses : Aiming At Conversion of Management.
- 日本経営教育学会の論文
- 2000-03-30
- 9 スモール・ビジネスの経営戦略論 : 「岩場のカニ」モデルを中心にして(21世紀の経営教育)
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