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1. The Background Research on the influence among viewers of violent television programs has been very active since the 1960s. From previous research findings, the consequence of violent television program viewing can be explained through the theories of catharsis, observational learning, desensitization and cultivation. However, due to the current lack of empirical evidence concerning the cathartic effect of violent television programs, research on it is not now popular. Research on television violence is being continued dynamically with the three other theories and shows data that is evidence for empirical support. Observational learning predicts that violence in television programs will justify the viewer's learning of this behavior. Desensitization states that the habitual viewing of violent programs will cause a decrease in sensitivity towards violence. Cultivation claims that the viewer of television programs begins to perceive the world to be full of violence as portrayed in television, leading to a mistrust of others. What need to be investigated are the conditions necessary for the effects of the three theories to occur. From this perspective, this study will focus on the behavior of exposure to violent television programs to be either fantasy oriented or reality oriented, and will connect them to three prevalent theories of television violence. 2. The Problem Upon examination of the concept of asocial behavior and three theories of observational learning, desensitization and cultivation, correspondence was found among the three effects and three aspects of asocial behavior. Therefore, I labeled each effect asocial behavior: observational learning to asocial justification, desensitization to asocial habituation, and cultivation to social mistrust. Next, the behavior of exposure to television can be viewed to be either fantasy oriented or reality oriented. Besides those having a higher degree of fantasy orientation or higher degree of reality orientation, exposure to television can at the same time have high degrees of reality and fantasy orientation which will lead to a state of ambivalence. By examining the correspondence between reality orientation, fantasy orientation and ambivalence with the theories of television violence, I determined that a high degree of fantasy orientated exposure will lead to desensitization, a high degree of reality oriented exposure will lead to cultivation, and when both fantasy and reality orientation are high, this will lead to observational learning. H1: Those with a higher degree of fantasy orientation than others towards violent television programs will have a high degree of asocial habituation. H2: Those with a higher degree of reality orientation than others towards violent television programs will have a high degree of social mistrust. H3: Those with high degrees of fantasy orientation and reality orientation towards violent television programs will have a high degree of asocial justification. 3. Survey A survey was conducted by questionnaire method in March 2000. The subjects were 1405 Japanese junior high and high school students from the Tokyo, Yamanashi and Kanagawa prefectures. The survey measured the exposure to violent television programs, orientation of exposure to the programs and asocial behavior. The total of valid responses was 1000 (631 junior high school students: 369 high school students, 527 male: 460 female: 13 gender unknown). The hypotheses were tested using t-tests and through the results, all three hypotheses were supported. (H1: t (622)=5.21, p<.0001, H2: t (622)=2.93, p<.01, H3; t (622)=4.45, p<.0001) 4. Discussion The survey results indicate that for those with a high degree of fantasy orientation towards violent television programs, desensitization occurs. For those who have a high degree of reality orientation towards violent television programs, cultivation occurs. When fantasy and reality orientation are both high, observational learning occurs. Through these results, I have created a perspective to examine the three effects of observational learning, desensitization and cultivation through the aspects of asocial behavior and orientation of exposure. In future, other factors involved in television exposure must be further examined along with the influence and the effects of television violence. In addition, the effect that is taking place among those who neither attain high degrees of reality nor fantasy orientation to television violence must also be further examined. Finally, factors among the programs must be examined in combination.
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