- 論文の詳細を見る
This report deals with the findings from a follow-up survey conducted to find out the working conditions and contets, occupational awareness and other related problems of graduates from the Secretarial Science Department, Matsuyama Shinonome junior College. The questionnair-by-mail-based survey aimed at assessing the effect,and obtaining date for the future perspective, of the future perspective, of secretarial education. It was the second such survey to follow the initial one held in 1984.The survey findings indicated that the practical education and training in such fields as secretarial reception and personal computer/word processor operation has proved very helpful in the work place for the graduates surveyed. Strengthening the education and training in these practical fields seemed necessary in the future.It was learned that a major problem faced by many of the surveyed was how to create and maintain good interpersonal relationships in the work place. The solution ogf this problem seemed to result in the improvement both in the work eficiency and occupational awareness. The survey also showed the need of revising the secretarial education curriculum to meet various new demands, both for occupational knowledge and skill, arising from the changes and progress in the ever globalizing and information-intensive business society.
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