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This article surveys the function of parliamentary intention in two major debates in British constitutionallaw, namely the foundation of judicial review and statutory interpretation under the Human RightsAct 1998. In those debates there appear two notions of parliamentary intention, a specific and concreteone on the one hand, and an inclusive and abstract on the other. The former notion implies that parliamentaryintention, to which the courts should be subject, can be expressed only in a specific form, andalso may be limited in its implication; in the remaining areas, in which no intention is shown, the courtsadjudicate cases on their own authority based on the rule of law and other principles. The latter notionimplies that parliamentary intention is thought to always exist, on the presumption that Parliamentmust have decided all things for certain purposes, at least in its most abstract form, and that, since Parliamentshould not have acted against the rule of law, the courts can by statutory interpretationattribute basic principles to the parliamentary intention. Each of these understandings of parliamentaryintention leads different constitutional designs. The former leads to a constitutional design whichrecognises the plural existence of the authorities of Parliament and the courts, and each authority mayinteract (or dialogue) with each other on the basis of the higher legal principles. The latter understandingof parliamentary intention leads to a constitutional design in which authorities is unified in Parliament,but which recognises judicial authority based on legal principles and the active role of the judiciary;it therefore assumes a constitutional inter-branch dialogue in which the more principled intention isinvestigated, attributed to parliament, and confirmed democratically. Of these understandings, theauthor argues that the former may fit the constitutional plurality created by European integration, andthat, because of the legal and democratic nature of inclusive parliamentary intention, the latter maywork in securing political unity. Moreover, the idea of constitutional dialogue on legislative intent offersa valuable lesson to Japanese constitutional law.
- 2009-03-15
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