遠隔高等教育におけるメディア利用の動向 : カナダの生涯学習に関する調査研究から
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This paper examines the current state of media utilization for the distance education courses offered by Canadian universities, in which a wide range of lifelong learning opportunities are provided for part-time adult learners. The content analysis of the course guides collected from 22 English language universities was carried out in terms of program types (degree, certificate, and non-credit) as well as media-based delivery modes (print, audio tapes, television broadcasts, videotapes, etc.). In addition, in-person interviews were conducted with 15 selected experts and practitioners to seek additional information. The following were the main findings of this study: 1) Of the 28 universities initially selected for the study, 22 institutions were offering a total of 1,296 degree courses via distant delivery modes, most of which were in the fields of social sciences and humanities. Several universities did offer a number of distance education courses in natural and applied sciences, wherever such delivery modes were applicable. 2) Among 7 media-based delivery modes, 34% of the 1,296 cuorses were provided via "print" only, 20% via "audio tapes", 13% via "television broadcasts", 12% via "independent study" 4% via "audio teleconferencing", 3% via "videotapes", 1% via "computer", respectively. About 13% were provided through the combination of 2 or more media. However, except for audio teleconferencing, "interactive" communications media such as interactive television and videoconferenchng were not utilized at all by the 22 universities, probably due to the expensive cost implications. 3) While a wide variety of certificate and non-credit courses were available for the adult learners via face-to-face education, not many distance education courses were offered in these programs. This reflects the increasing needs of degree courses via distant delivery modes by the part-time adult learners. 4) Several successful models of distance higher education in Canada were found in the development, production and broadcast of telecourses through "collaborations" by the participating institutions. Such collaborations could result in the maximum use of financial, physical and human resources, and thus lead to cost-efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Finally, some implications and applications of the Canadian experience were discussed for the improvement of lifelong learning opportunities through distance higher education in Japan.
- 放送大学の論文
- 生活科の教師教育用ビデオ教材の開発と評価
- 12. 教師教育用ビデオ教材に対するニーズ : 国立教員養成系大学の教員を対象とした調査から(高等学校の新しい教材と教師教育教材-教師教育教材プロジェクト-)
- はしがき(学部教育教材 博物館学芸員の仕事-民俗編-)
- 3. 大学における教授法の改善及び教授能力向上のための試みに関する調査 : 医・歯・看護学部及び工学部を事例に(高等教育におけるファカルティ・ディベロップメントと教授デザイン : 事例研究とFD活動の状況調査)
- 第一セッション : メディアを大学教育に用いる(大学改革とメディア NIME'94-放送教育開発センター研究シンポジウム1994-)
- 1. 教師教育用映像教材改善のための研究開発活動(中学校の新しい授業と教師教育教材-教師教育教材プロジェクト-)
- はじめに(高等専門学校用共通教材「新素材IV.複合材料編」の評価調査)
- 遠隔高等教育におけるメディア利用の動向 : カナダの生涯学習に関する調査研究から
- 双方向テレビ・システムによる遠隔高等教育の可能性
- 3. 生活科ビデオ教材の学生による評価(小学校の新しい授業と教師教育教材-教師教育教材プロジェクト-)
- 映像教材制作過程における「実用的」評価研究モデルの構築
- カナダにおけるビデオ教材の開発・制作システム : アクセス・ネットワークの事例を中心として(生活科教育の実践と研究 : 教師教育教材プロジェクト)