Analysis, Fieldwork and Engineering : Accumulated Practices and the Formation of Applied Chemistry Teaching at Tokyo University, 1874-1900(<Special Issue>Locating Japanese Science and Technology)
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This paper discusses how education in applied chemistry at Tokyo University during the Meiji period involved three elements of teaching practice-analysis, fieldwork and engineering. The English chemist Robert William Atkinson was appointed in 1874 as the university's first professor of analytical and applied chemistry. Atkinson's educational approach blended his University College London training with the Sino-Japanese jitsugaku tradition. One of his students Takamatsu Toyokichi went on to redevelop Atkinson's teaching programme of applied chemistry at the university and technical colleges in the late 1880s and 1890s. Another student Nakazawa Iwata, who had also studied in Germany, put together innovative factory-centred courses of applied chemistry for Takamatsu's department. In this way, we can view the process of Japanese industrialisation as knowledge transfer which crossed multiple cultural boundaries.
- 日本科学史学会の論文
- 2008-11-29
菊地 好行
菊池 好行
Kikuchi Yoshiyuki
Chemical Heritage Foundation
Kikuchi Yoshiyuki
Department Of History And Philosophy Of Science Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences University Of T
Kikuchi Yoshiyuki
Program Of The History And Philosophy Of Science University Of Tokyo
菊池 好行
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