ツマグロヒョウモンの北上の原因を探る : (1)東京都日野市におけるツマグロヒョウモンの発生消長およびパンジーの入荷量・栽培方法を基にして
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Recently it has been reported that the subtropical argyne butterfly, Argyreus hyperbius (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) has expanded its distribution to the northern areas of Japan. It is easy to suppose that the phenomenon is due to global warming. But, there is a possibility that other factors are involved, and garden plantation of the pansy, Viola wittrockiana, one of the food plants, has been pointed out as one factor by some colleagues. Because of the popularity of gardening in Japan, this plant has been planted in gardens much more extensively than before. This paper discusses the recent northward expansion of A. hyperbius from two viewpoints: one is the fluctuation in the number of butterflies in Hino City, Tokyo, and the other is the increase of pansy boxes transported into Tokyo or Hino City from prefectures inhabited by this butterfly. There is a probability that eggs or young larvae of the butterfly were transported from south to north with the pansy boxes.
- 2008-03-30
- ツマグロヒョウモンの北上の原因を探る : (1)東京都日野市におけるツマグロヒョウモンの発生消長およびパンジーの入荷量・栽培方法を基にして
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- ツマグロヒョウモンの北上の原因を探る(2)幼虫の行動および冬期の野生のスミレの状態
- ツマグロヒョウモンの北上の原因を探る : (2)幼虫の行動および冬期の野生のスミレの状態
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- ツマグロヒョウモンの北上の原因を探る : (1)東京都日野市におけるツマグロヒョウモンの発生消長およびパンジーの入荷量・栽培方法を基にして