ツマグロヒョウモンの北上の原因を探る : (2)幼虫の行動および冬期の野生のスミレの状態
- 論文の詳細を見る
The author studied how larvae of Argyreus hyperbius survived through the winter. The activity of larvae and the growth of wild violets were observed in fields and residential area in Hino City, Tokyo, and the following results were obtained. (1) The larvae of Argyreus hyperbius actively moved even in winter, and reached other violets after consuming the leaves of one violet. (2) In winter wild violets lost their leaves or had only a small amount which was insufficient for the larvae to live on and grow. However the pansy Viola wittrockiniana planted in residential areas had much larger leaves in winter, and larvae of Argyreus hyperbius utilized the plant instead of wild violets.
- 2011-10-11
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- ツマグロヒョウモンの北上の原因を探る(2)幼虫の行動および冬期の野生のスミレの状態
- ツマグロヒョウモンの北上の原因を探る : (2)幼虫の行動および冬期の野生のスミレの状態
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- ツマグロヒョウモンの北上の原因を探る : (1)東京都日野市におけるツマグロヒョウモンの発生消長およびパンジーの入荷量・栽培方法を基にして