欧州統合と移民・外国人労働者政策 : 政策転換の展望(大会報告・共通課題:労働のグローバル化と国家・地域-歴史と現状-)
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Having realized a single European market and monetary unification, as well as the enlargement to Central and Eastern European countries, the EU focuses now on strengthening of competitiveness and changes in migration policies in the face of a declining population from 2010s. The European Commission is in charge of taking the initiative for harmonization of migration policies, based upon the Treaty of Amsterdam. However, there are currently no conditions under which the "Core countries" (such as Germany and France) agree on, due to their different speed of fertility decline, high unemployment rates and differences in adaptability of their education systems. EU member states have been adapting their migration policies for foreigners from outside the EU based on three principles: 1) selection and programming of the flow of migrants, 2) strengthening social integration, and 3) the mitigation of "push" factors in the countries of origin. Policies to cope with global competition for highly skilled workers in the late 1990s, however, were not as successful as in the US. Germany's New Immigration Act was an important attempt to change its course. However, as the result of compromise between the coalition and the opposition parties, the New Immigration Act lost its active components. If the EU succeeds in adopting a more active migration policy to attract highly skilled foreigners from other countries, it may affect Asia, as Asia is the largest supplying region of highly skilled workers. Japan should take initiatives for human resource development and circulation in this region, so that Asian countries will be able to utilize their human resources for the development of Asia itself.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 2005-04-30
- 医療・介護労働と外国人政策 : 人口減少超高齢化社会への方策(生活福祉学科公開講座(2007.10.13))
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- 欧州統合と移民・外国人労働者政策 : 政策転換の展望(大会報告・共通課題:労働のグローバル化と国家・地域-歴史と現状-)
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