戦後東ドイツ農村の土地改革・集団化と村落 : メクレンブルク・フォアポンメルン州1945〜1961年
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The process of moving from land reform to collectivization is a fundamental part of the social formation of rural socialism in Post-War East Germany. Analyzing only the political process in Berlin produces an incomplete picture, particularly when thinking about the diversity of collectivization in villages. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the process of restructuring the villages in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern between 1945-1961. Above all, it focuses on 1) the rural social structure, which differs between new and old farmer villages, 2) the problems of rural refugees from the eastern territories, and 3) conflicts around buildings, such as barns and houses, within the villages. First, in the new farmer village, where land reform had actually lead to social chaos, collectivization was one of the measures used to resolve this situation. In analyzing the case of Kreis Bad Doberan, we find two different paths to forming LPGs (Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaften) in the 1950s. In the case of Diedrichshagen, a former milker's group, a minority in the village, founded an LPG for the purpose of reconstructing their former dairy farms. For that they intended to retain the material resources of the village such as barns. However, they failed in this attempt due to the effects of the June 17, 1953 Uprising, and this resulted in the dissolution of the LPG. On the other hand, Althof offers a successful example of an LPG, as they developed their organization to protect against the effects of June 17 Uprising. Althofs status as a model collective farm enabled it to succeed in obtaining capital funds for building a new modern barn. Second, in the old farmer village, in addition to the influx of refugees, the policy against "Grossbauern" in 1952-1953 had a significant impact on the social structure. It is important that others in the village agreed to the purge of "Grossbauern". The Hohenfelde LPG founded in 1953 by the group of new refugee farmers was based on the rich material resources of a broken-down "Grossbauern". Taking the village farm (OLB) in 1955 caused the expansion of the LPG and the change of its inner structure, associated with the appearance of new rural technocrats outside the village. The family members of "Grossbauern" who remained in the village adapted to this situation through marriage, joining the LPG, and taking jobs in the MTS.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 2005-07-30
- 古内博行著, 『ナチスの農業政策研究 1934〜1936-穀物調達措置の導入と食糧危機の発生-』, 東京大学出版会, 2003年, ii+431頁
- 戦後東ドイツ農村の土地改革・集団化と村落 : メクレンブルク・フォアポンメルン州1945〜1961年
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