19世紀末北西ドイツにおける農業労働者と農村社会 : 「他所(フレムト)者」農業労働者と土着農業労働者
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The purpose of the paper is to make clear the relation between the development of the agricultural working relationship and conservative social integration in a rural community by taking up Dithmarschen/Holstein in Wilhelmine Germany. On the agricultural working relationship I have tried to explain the inner stratifications in agricultural workers from the viewpoint of the migrant workers and the domestic workers, which was observed in both work and life. Then, I have analyzed the problem of insurance for thresh laborers in Dithmarschen. It is characteristic that the family of domestic workers behaved themselves not to be under the controll of farmers, which was recognized in the way of their habitations, household and employment. Those days their existence were pressured by the change of agriculture and the apperance of the migrant workers. To overcome this pressure, some of them became regular skilled laborer in large farms, which meant that they left the poor village and had better post than the seasonal laborers from eastern Europe. But the others tried to become small farmers, or industrial workers with a small farm. Migrant workers consisted of the seasonal laborers who appeared with the spread of planting beet and cabbage, and thresh laborers who was called "Monarchen." It is characteristic of the former that large farmers obtained, managed and made use of them collectively in the from of co-operative society, and that for this purpose the controll of agents was needed. On the other hand the latter were so-called outsiders from cities, and the use of them came true by forming contractors who moved with threshing machine and thresh laborers from one farm to another. Both migrant workers were characteristic social groups and they had much moblity and little will of settlement. The farmer who accumulated on the base of such a stratified agricultural working relationship would not ensure the reproduction of migrant workers. The government tried to ensure the reproduction of the agricultural workers by imposing the duty of insurance on the rural community, of course except foreign laborers, but the farmers were against it. Even if they accepted it, I think that it was because they just took domestic regular skilled workers into consideration. This behavior was responded to by that of domestic workers who avoided being under large farmers and that of migrant workers who would not settle in Dithmarschen. Thus, there was no room where democratic working relationship based on the association of agricultural workers could form itself. I think that it was not because of -the delay of the capitalistic development but its process in itself.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1990-01-20
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- 19世紀末北西ドイツにおける農業労働者と農村社会 : 「他所(フレムト)者」農業労働者と土着農業労働者