- 論文の詳細を見る
We established a new method that we call "the stacking method" to detect faint objects on CCD images such as unknown small size of GEO debris and undiscovered asteroids which include earth-crossing ones. A middle size of telescope and a normal CCD camera are enough to realize a fine result of the method. Many CCD images are used to detect faint objects. With this method, background stars are completely disappeared and the sky background fluctuation decreases extremely. This means faint objects, which are not visible on a single image, are detectable. We evaluated this method using actual observation images taken by a 35cm telescope of Mt.Nyukasa Astronomical Observatory and a 2K2K back-illuminated CCD camera. We created two algorithms for the evaluation. One is for detection of GEO debris and the other is for that of asteroid. Both algorithms worked well and proved the effectiveness of this method. This method will contribute significantly to the safety of active satellites from collision of space debris, to search for near-Earth objects and to solar-system astronomy.
- 宇宙航空研究開発機構の論文
中島 厚
柳沢 俊史
Advanced Space Technology Research Group Institute Of Aerospace Technology
中島 厚
Advanced Space Technology Research Group Institute Of Aerospace Technology
黒崎 裕久
Advanced Space Technology Research Group, Institute of Aerospace Technology
黒崎 裕久
Advanced Space Technology Research Group Institute Of Aerospace Technology
柳沢 俊史
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