ドッジ・ラインの歴史的意義(大会報告 共通論題 : 戦後日本資本主義の形成過程 : ドイツとの対比)
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The Dodge Plan was the anti-inflationary policy carried out by Joseph Dodge in 1949. Dodge, who had been a planner of the currency reform in Germany as a deputy financial advisor to Lucius Clay, was assigned the task to stabilize the Japanese economy by President Truman. In this paper we consider the Dodge Plan as a part of the policy which the United States pursued after the World War II to rebuild the world capitalist economy. The targets of the stabilization program were as follows: 1) To stabilize the wage level so as to enable firms to resume capital accumulation. The wage stabilization policy was supported by the revision of Trade Union Laws which was to suppress the influence of the left-wing labor movement. 2) To fulfill the conflicting aims at the same time; to curb inflation and to supply funds to industries. The inflation was halted through the reduction to the budget. As the subsidies to industries were drastically cut, all the entrepreneurs run to the banks to get funds. Consequently the money supply increased steeply, and the banks' position fell into the dangerous situation. To sustain the over borrowing condition the reform of the banking system was executed. 3) To rehabilitate the relationships with capitalist countries. Introduction of the single exchange rate of 360 Yen was not enough for that purpose. To make up for the dollar shortage, Japan must expand trade with Southeastearn Asia. But the project of the cooperation with Southeastearn Asia had not much success because of the lack of capital to export to this area.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1992-04-20
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- ドッジ・ラインの歴史的意義(大会報告 共通論題 : 戦後日本資本主義の形成過程 : ドイツとの対比)
- 高度成長期における為替管理と海外短資市場(3)
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- 1950年代の特需について(3)
- 1950年代の特需について(2)
- 1950年代の特需について (1) (岡田清名誉教授古稀記念号)
- 1950年代前半における外資導入問題(下)
- 1950年代前半における外資導入問題(中)
- 1950年代前半における外資導入問題(上)
- 「経済自立5カ年計画」の成立 (5-完)
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- 巻頭の辞
- 「経済自立5カ年計画」の成立(3)
- 「経済自立5カ年計画」の成立(2)
- 「経済自立5カ年計画」の成立(1)
- 巻頭の辞
- 巻頭の辞 (経済研究所創立10周年記念号)
- 巻頭の辞
- 中村先生の思い出
- 360円レートの謎
- 占領期の金融制度改革と独占禁止政策
- 安田貯蓄銀行と安田財閥 (齋藤正教授追悼号)
- 貯蓄銀行法の成立と独占的貯蓄銀行の形成(上)
- 安藤良雄先生の思い出 (安藤良雄教授追悼号)
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- 日清戦後の外資導入と日本興業銀行
- 安田金融財閥の形成 : 保善社を中心とする株式所有構造について
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- 一九一〇〜二〇年代における支店銀行制度の展開と都市金融市場 (岡田俊平名誉教授古稀記念号)
- 世界銀行の対日政策の形成 : 1951〜56年(上)