- 論文の詳細を見る
It has been known that some classical solutions have particllike solutions, namely localized solutions which look like extended particles. Recently, Gervais, Jevicki and Sakita prosed a method which deals with the quantum mechanics of classical solitary wave solutions of non-linear fields theories. The methed is a generalization of the collective coordinate methed of many body theory to quantun field theories. Motivated by their articles, we reexamine the same prolelems, Lorentz covoviance and mass renormalization as quantum correction for soliton enegy, developing some different and more consistent perturbation expansion from that of theirs. We use the classical solution in the moving frame as the static one and as a result obtain the relativistic form for the solition enesgy in the first appioyimation, which is in consistent that of Satita's proposals.
- 駒澤大学の論文
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