一八六〇年代後半のオストゼイ問題とロシア・ナショナリズム : 対バルト・ドイツ人観の転換過程における陰謀論の意義に関する考察
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This article is devoted to the impact of conspiracy theory on the development of Russian nationalism in the second half of 1860-s. The purpose of article is the examination of the significance of anti-Baltic German conspiracy theory for developing of Russian nationalism. As a result of examination, we present 3 following theses: 1) Up-rising of Baltic German question in the Russian public in the second half of 1860-s was realized as a result of interaction of such conditions as the tensions of the internal and external position of Russia, transformation of Russians' view on Baltic Germans, appearance of the conspiracy theory which was developed by anti-Baltic German publicists, who had been represented by slavophil Iu.F.Samarin; 2) Anti-Baltic German pamphleteers and Russian authority had a general platform on the future of Baltic edge, i.e., the idea of the need of transforming the Baltic German system into the Russian, although the Russian authority took strict measures as sanctions against anti-Baltic German press. From the point of view of government, precisely, in the second half of 1860-s, the rapid reaching of their general platform was too early; 3) The anti-Baltic German conspiracy theory is a major factor for the formation of hostile attitudes on Baltic Germans. Because of that, Baltic Germans became the enemies in Russian socium in the second half of 1860-s. Thus, the conspiracy theory against Baltic Germans contributed to the development of Russian nationalism.
- ロシア史研究会の論文
- 2008-11-07
- ロシア帝国の「致命的問題」群におけるポーランド問題(1831年〜20世紀初頭)(自由論題)(2003年度大会特集)
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- 一八六〇年代後半のオストゼイ問題とロシア・ナショナリズム : 対バルト・ドイツ人観の転換過程における陰謀論の意義に関する考察
- Демин В.Н., Бакунин()., М.: Молодая гвардия, 2006., 349c.
- オストゼイ問題における『ロシアの辺境』の衝撃(インパクト) : 一八六〇年代後半のユーリー・サマーリン(2004年度大会)
- ソ連史学におけるM・A・バクーニンの受容