大学生の自己同一性とライフコースの語り : 自己をふりかえり、他者とわかちあい、展望する
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The special class "Self and Others" was one of the liberal arts courses offered by the Research Institute of Higher Education at Kobe University, 1998 through 2000, under the support of the Ministry of Education. The objective of this class was to promote students' motivation for self-introspection and to help achieve their own developmental tasks. The author was one of the lecturers for the class, and was responsible for the session of "life cycle and life course." The students had four tasks in this session : 1) to find out where they are, 2) to retrospect the way they were, 3) to have perspectives of what they are going to be, and 4) to compare their lives with their parents. The present paper reported the students' narratives about this class. Their narratives showed the class effectively pursued its goal.
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