- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to investigate the adolescents' social attitudes toward brain death and transplantation from the brain death. 210 college students answered the questionnaire about their knowledge about brain death, their attitude toward transplantation from the brain death and their will to donate their body when they or their family member become the condition of brain death. The same questionnaire was conducted before and after the short lecture and the group discussion. 81 students changed their attitudes toward negative direction and 27 students changed their attitudes toward positive direction. The results suggested that the more knowledge the students gain, the more cautious attitude they have in general.
- 8.ゲーミングを用いた職場における健康増進プログラムの実践(一般演題,第46回近畿産業衛生学会)
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- 現代女子大学生の描く「理想のライフコース」II : 看護学生の場合
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- 青年期における進路選択 : 医学部進学者への質問紙及び面接調査
- 女子学生の進学動機とそれに関わる諸要因(2) : 国立大学進学者の場合