- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of camera angle on feeling empathy with a character in a video. In the movement of special support education, the method to facilitate empathy with others was needed to develop in children with developmental disorder. The video of "Watermelon" was used in this study as a material, because the camera angle of the watermelon's viewpoint was used and intend to feel empathy for the watermelon. Eighty-nine subjects were divided into the Master Type (MT) group and the Edited Tape (ET) group that excluded the camera angle of watermelon's viewpoint.After watching the video, the subjects were asked to respond to the questionnaire about empathy and the recall of the story. The results were as follows; 1) the subjects of the MT group felt more emotional attachment for the watermelon, 2) they responded more negative on adjectives such as frightening, afraid, etc., and 3) they recalled more scenes than that of the ET group. These results indicated that the camera angle of the viewpoint of a character brought about empathy and suggested that the camera angle would be the useful intervention method to facilitate understanding of others, intention of children with developmental disorders.
- 熊本大学の論文
- 2008-12-19
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