Decoding heading directions from human brain activity(Summary of Awarded Presentation at the 26th Annual Meeting)
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We investigated whether fMRI-derived cortical activity patterns induced by optic flow can predict the direction of heading. The cortical activity from hMT+, which is related to motion perception, led to good predictions. Focusing on the good performance of heading perception with eye movement, we also measured the cortical activity from an optic flow with eye movement. The decoder was trained with the activity patterns without eye movement and tested on those with actual eye movements, and vice versa. hMT+ exhibited a less robust, though still relatively the best, decoding performance. These results suggest that hMT+ is involved in heading perception and coding head-centric motion along with compensating for extra-retinal information. More generally, our study shows that decoding techniques can be used as effective tools in identifying the functions associated with cortical activity.
- 2008-09-30
繁桝 博昭
繁桝 博昭
Kitazaki Michiteru
Intelligent Sensing System Research Center Toyohashi University Of Technology
Intelligent Sensing System Research Center, Toyohashi University of Technology
ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories
繁枡 博昭
東大 大学院新領域創成科学研究科
Shigemasu Hiroaki
Intelligent Sensing System Research Center Toyohashi University Of Technology
Miyawaki Yoichi
Nict:atr Computational Neuroscience Laboratories
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