障害のある人と「障害者スポーツ」に対する体育学部生の認識の変化に関する調査 : 「障害者スポーツ演習」の試みと効果
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The fact that the number of people with disabilities has increased in Japan suggests social needs toward competent sport instructors who can support people with disabilities. Since the College of Physical Education in a university has an important social role to train students to become those competent sport instructors, a class should be provided for students to learn adequate knowledge and skills to support people with disabilities. The present study sought to examine leaning effects on understanding people with disabilities and adapted sports among college students in the Department of Physical Recreation of Tokai University. A survey was conducted to students before and after taking a course, "Adapted Sports: Theory and Practice." The matched data of 49 students were analyzed. The results showed that although more than half of students had experienced to watch one or more adapted sports, most of students had experienced neither doing sports with people with disabilities nor volunteering to support them. After taking a 4-month course in which the students learned about people with disabilities and adapted sports, their negative understanding toward people with disabilities and adapted sports changed significantly. However, the results also implied that the will to work for adapted sports among the students did not change. Thus, the author suggested that it is important to provide in-class follow-ups to motivate the students to be involved in adapted sports. It is also emphasized that experiencing "adapted sports" is essential to accept it not as "special sport," but "sport".
- 東海大学の論文
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