- 論文の詳細を見る
The competence in 'JapaneseExpression' through which your own thought can be conveyed accurately and your interlocutor's intention can be grasped unequivocally as well. However, due to the fact that the 'Literature' in teaching at high school differs in its educational goal and contents, the seminar on Japanese-Expression Exercise' at university must start with, 'syllabus,' 'context,' 'medeia,' etc. That will scaffold the system and the descipline so as to hit the target. The basic plan of the system scaffolding lies in (1) learning the skill of 'Reading & Writing,' (2) analyzing to deliberate the given themes or writing, followed by expressing appropriately, (3) being open to any remarks given, (4) reflecting on one's feedback to improve one's own expressive power, (5) being ready to work on another, preceded by the apprasisal given. This is, in a sense, a cyclic process, and it is critically important to effectively repeat it. Put into educational practice, though, it well demand too much devoted effort and too heavy a load of an instructor. The present paper addresses practice of the learning aidsystem for Japanese-expressions so that the instructor's burden can be relieved as much as possible, and its teaching method and skills can be systematized through electronic, communication techonology.
- 城西大学の論文
- 2008-03-20
- 日本語アクセントの習得
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