- 論文の詳細を見る
We surveyed all the Japanese websites associated with eating disorders regis- tered to the major search engines in July - August, 2005. The total number surveyed is 195 sites. We could not access 69 sites at the starting of this research. Site authors(N = 126) are categorized as follows: Patients(female), 56 96; Patients(male), 6 96; Survivors(female), 27 96; Survivors(male) 2 96; Clinics/hospitals or related people, 8 96; Others, 1 96. Particularly, we focused on the sites offered by the patients and survivors. To estimate activities of the sites, we visited the same sites in a two-week interval. About 396 of the sites were closed or disappeared in the two weeks. Three authors were dead with their sites left. We found that the people who declare themselves as a survivor and/or who have been successfully cared, tended to offer the more creative and rich sites in their contents and provided useful information to other patients who are suffered from the problematic eating behavior and/or the self-harmed behavior. Those sites are active: many people visited and left their messages to the site authors; the authors themselves uploaded the contents such as their diaries and responded to those messages left by the visitors. In contrast, the patients who seem to be ill tended to provide poor contents and/or give up to upload in a comparatively short period after opening the sites. Less people visited the sites; the authors did not respond to them. Interestingly, topics between the authors and the visitors on the websites were more focused on their suffering in the sites offered by the patients than those by the survivors, although most of the visitors were patients.
- 長野県短期大学の論文
横山 伸
杉山 英子
杉山 英子
横山 伸
横山 伸
杉山 英子
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