新政治体制への模索 : 平等派と近代デモクラシー(中田信正教授退任記念号)
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Characteristic of Leveller propaganda was the inspiring historical myth they wove about the Norman Conquest. They drew a highly idealised picture of Anglo-Saxon democracy under the old English Kingdoms. This was the Leveller way of calling for an end of feudalism, and a most effective way it was, for it linked the class-consciousness of the industrious people with the emotional force of English nationalism. The nobles and gentlemen who opposed their Revolution derived their privileges from a foregin invasin. The Levellers went on to demand the end of the 'negative voices' or vetoes of the King Charles and the House of Lords on legislation. Hitherto the leaders of the parliamentary Revolution had been content with the traditional muddle of the unwritten English constitution, which recognised the sovereignty of King, Lord and Commons. 'Can there be three supremos?' the Levellers asked, and went on to proclaim the sovereignty of the people. They understood very well that the Long Parliament, which looked like sittig for ever, was merely the organ of the landowning classes. Lilburne tore in pieces its claim to be representatve, exposed the scandal of the 'decayed', or as the next century called them, the 'rotten' boroughs, and called boldly for manhood suffrage. The Levellers' first draft of a written constitution, the Agreement of the People, defined in black and white what annual Parliaments of the future might do and what they were forbidden to do. Their notion of democratic self-government began, however, in the parish and the hundred. They would have ended the reign of the ruling landed oligarchy by insisting on the election of every officer and magistrate, from the sheriffs down to the clergy and the regimental officers of the militia. We shall see, as we go on, how they proposed to humanise the savage criminal law, to end inprisonment for debt and abolish tithes. What they proposed in 1646, the New Model Army under their teaching realised in 1649: England became a Commonwealth without King or House of Lords. But the lawyers thwarted the socialreforms which the Levellers called for; and Cromwell's opposition defeated their demands for manhood suffrage.
- 桃山学院大学の論文
- 「ホッブス的世界」の中のアメリカ : ロバート・ケーガン"OF PARADISE AND POWER" 邦題『ネオコンの論理』を読む (鈴木博信教授林錫璋教授退任記念号)
- Commonwealth の意味 : 平等派と近代議会政治
- 新政治体制への模索 : 平等派と近代デモクラシー(中田信正教授退任記念号)
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- 政治思想の諸相 : ピューリタニズムと近代デモクラシー(蕗谷硯児教授退任記念号)
- 政治体制の選択 : ピューリタニズムと近代国家(岡崎守男教授退任記念号)
- 世俗化された政治 : ピューリタニズムと近代自然法