政治体制の選択 : ピューリタニズムと近代国家(岡崎守男教授退任記念号)
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It was during the last phase of what we know as the first civil war many pamphlets (so-called "tracts") by the Levellers' emerging leaders - John Lilburne, Richard Overton and William Walwyn - began to echo and support each other in a way that suggests politial action. Each with a previous history of disaffection with the religious and secular order of the realm, the three had been mutually acquainted from mid-1645 when the London sectarian congrigation come together with the more radical urban politicians to defend themselves against the Presbyterian menace. And they were already among those who suspected the commitment of the more lukewarm parliamentary politicians to a victory that would bring the Charles I to heel. It indicates a now-firm alliance among the three emerging leaders that Walwyn's Toleration justified(on 29, Jan. 1646), covers much the same ground as Overton's Divine observations upon the London ministers' letter against toleration(on 24, Jan. 1646). Both tracts defend religious nonconformity against the emerging leviathan of the new Presbyterian church. And furthermore, they criticized to the Independence's ambiguous state constitutional system on English traditional state.
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