政治思想の諸相 : ピューリタニズムと近代デモクラシー(蕗谷硯児教授退任記念号)
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Much Leveller activity occured in print. The three leaders(John Lilburne, Richard Overton, William Walwyn) were all from 1646 veteran pamphleteers. And they were soon to become experienced petitioners as well. And they were articulate speakers, with others like John Wildman, Thomas Rainborough and other agitators at Putny Debate (from the end of the October to the beginning of the November 1647) and White Hall Debate (from the end of the December 1648 to the beginning of the January 1649) who faced the Army officers like Oliver Cromwell, Thomas Fairfax and Henry Ireton in debate on the form the English constitution furthermore faith or principle of democracy should take. In the several modes they continually claimed that they sought to persuade others to their views, not to impose them through force of arms: their idea was, as famously put by Walwyn, to 'get victory on the understandings of men'. They set out to persuade their contemporaries of four things: that there must be a program of reform in the church-state; that their should be a new constitution of authority designed to carry out and preserve those reforms; that the conditions were such that this new constitution should, could and must be instituted; and (finally) that the fundamental jural facts about being human justified the reforms, the constitution and its institution.
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