国語教育における三上章の文法教育論の今日的意義と今後への課題 : 三上章の文法教育批判と中学校教科書に掲載された教材の分析を通して
- 論文の詳細を見る
This report aims to clarify the current meaning of Mikami's 'Grammatical-Educational' theory. The substance of the theory is confirmed, and a current evaluation of the Milkami's theory is considered with regard to the discussion by Tadatoshi Ohkubo and Yasuo Okuda. Moreover, this study also looks into how Mikami tried to embody his theory from a 'Grammatical-Educational' standpoint. Mikami tried to look widely for examples from the content of teaching materials and to make rules more certain. It is considered that the method of 'How do you catch it ?' establishes the grammar from the starting-point of 'practical use'. As a result, there are two requirements for grammar education in the future. The first is selecting grammatical items that should be learnt. The second is to establish methods for teaching these items systematically and gradually.
- 全国大学国語教育学会の論文
- 2008-03-31
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