- Changes in Intracellular Concentration of Amino Acids andPolyamines during the Apoptosis of HL-60 Cells
- Regulation of estrogenic and nuclear factor κB functions by polyamines and their role in polyamineanalog-induced apoptosis of breast cancer cells
- Antitumor effect of bis(ethyl)polyamine analogs on mammarytumor development in FVB /NTgN (MMTVneu) transgenic mice
- Activation of Nuclear Factor κB by Polyamines In BreastCancer Cells
- 薬学教育評価機構設立記念市民公開シンポジウム : 薬学教育評価 : 制度構築の背景と現状
- Measurements of Macromolecule-Bound and Ultra-FiltrablePolyamines in Rat Liver Homogenized without Buffer
- Preparation and Usefulness of Some Fluorogenic Substrates for Assay of Arginyl-tRNA-Protein Transferase byHPLC
- 29-A2-10-1 精神神経系疾患の薬物療法での現状と問題点(精神科薬物療法,社会の期待に応える医療薬学を)
- Synthetic Decarboxylated S-Adenosyl-L-methionine as a Substrate for Aminopropyl Transferases
- Structural and Functional Relationship among Diamines in Terms of Inhibition of Cell Growth