- 論文の詳細を見る
The authors conducted a mail survey in 2007 with the residents of two towns, Assabu and Oshamambe, Hokkaido, Japan, with the aim of obtaining information of the residents' attitudes and behaviors toward brown bears (Ursus arctos) in order to estimate the feasibility of building up a framework of community- based preventive activities, and to help the locals create safer neighborhoods for both humans and bears. The result shows that, though the majority of the residents are intolerant to bears' invasions into human territory, a substantial part of them don't necessarily want the bear to be extinguished. It prepares the ground for building up a framework of preventive activities.In addition, a majority of residents favor some of the preventive measures, and besides, there is room for them to be introduced because they are not yet widely implemented.
- 室蘭工業大学の論文
前田 菜穂子
亀田 正人
丸山 博
前田 菜穂子
Maeda Naoko
Noboribetsu Bear Park
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