- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1998, the Hokkaido government began to tackle an environmental policy for the community in theOshima Peninsula to co-exist with brown bears (Ursus arctos yesoensis). However, the plan that wasdrawn up two years later put a greater importance on minimizing the risk of encountering brown bearsby killing them rather than maintaining their population. The plan doesn’t seem successful in terms ofreflecting public attitudes and behaviors towards brown bears. In 2001 we did research on public attitudesand behaviors through a questionnaire among the local people. The initial results are: (1) 59% ofthe residents overestimate damages from brown bears to human beings. (2) While 31% are tolerant oftheir existence, 30% intolerant. (3) 45% of those who enter forests do so without defensive equipments.(4) The residents expect their local governments to encourage education, besides enriching forests andestablishing a compensation system.
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