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The corporate R&D management systems are changing in response to the rapid changes in the social environment. One of the features is the increasingly important role of intelligence for businesses to cope with the more and more competitive market circumstances. The present paper gives an historical overview of the R&D system management in Japanese companies, and discusses transition of the role of and expectation for the R&D management. Analysis focuses on the response of the management to the market environment to draw a lesson for the technology management in future. The author reviews requirements to intelligence to respond to managerial tasks such as identifying R&D targets, securing and distributing necessary resources, evaluation of results, and follow-up methodologies, and points out the importance of intelligence as a means to supports innovation to cope with the ever-changing competitive market. He also emphasizes the necessity of systems that permit continuous innovation. The paper concludes with suggestions of the importance of and problems in training of specialists in R&D management, which has now such importance that requires decisions by the top management.
- 研究・技術計画学会の論文
- 2008-06-12
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