「雄性ホルモン」ノ糖質代謝ニ及ボス影響 : 第2編 睾丸内分泌機能異常家兎ノ肝臓糖原質減少時ニ於ケル血糖量ノ動揺ニ就テ
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The blood sugar observations were made as before. But this time, the rabbits' liver glycogen was diminished by the injection of 5/10000 Strychnine nitrate sol. 1.0 c.c. given in two times and the blood was taken 24 hours after the injection. Experimental Results. 1) After injection of Adrenalin, hyperglycaemia was less marked in the rabbits which had received Strychnine than in those which had not received it, that is to say, in rabbits with an abnormal testicular function which had normal glycogen in their liver. But this result was most definite in the hypo-gonatic rabbits, not being any considerable change in the hyper-gonatic rabbits. 2) After injection of Morphin, hyperglycaemia was less marked in the rabbits which had received Strychnine tan in those which had not received it, that is to say, in rabbits with abnormal testicular function which had normal glycogen in their liver. But there was a tendency for the hyperglycaemia to be more decreased in the hypofunctioning than in the hyperfunctioning rabbits' testicle. 3) After injection of Insulin, hypoglycaemia was less marked in receiveing it, that is to say, in animal having normal liver glycogen. But this was rather more so in the hyperfunctioning than in the hypofunctioning rabbits' testicle. 4) The blood sugar content induced by the intravenous injection of Glucose was much increased in the rabbits which had hypo-functioning or hypo-functioning of the testicular hormone compared with the normal rabbits. But this hyperglycaemia was less marked after injection of Strychnine than before.
- 「雄性ホルモン」ノ糖質代謝ニ及ボス影響 : 第5編 全編ノ總括及ビ結論
- 「雄性ホルモン」ノ糖質代謝ニ及ボス影響 : 第4編 睾丸内分泌機能異常家兎ノ肝臟糖原質量ノ動搖ニ就テ
- 「ラノリン」添加食餌飼養家兎各内分泌臟器ノ形態學的變化ニ及ボス「雄性ホルモン」ノ影響ニ關スル研究 : 第9篇 全篇ノ總括
- 「雄性ホルモン」ノ糖質代謝ニ及ボス影響 : 第1篇 睾丸内分泌機能異常家兎ニ於ケル血糖量ノ動搖ニ就テ
- 「ラノリン」添加食餌飼養家兎各内分泌臟器ノ形態學的變化ニ及ボス「雄性ホルモン」ノ影響ニ關スル研究 : 第8篇 睾丸
- 「ラノリン」添加食餌飼養家兎各内分泌臟器ノ形態學的變化ニ及ボス「雄性ホルモン」ノ影響ニ關スル研究 : 第7篇 攝護腺
- 「ラノリン」添加食餌飼養家兎各内分泌臓器ノ形態學的變化ニ及ボス「雄性ホルモン」ノ影響ニ關スル研究 : 第6篇 膵臓
- 「ラノリン」添加食餌飼養家兎各内分泌臓器ノ形態學的變化ニ及ボス「雄性ホルモン」ノ影響ニ關スル研究 : 第5篇 胸腺
- 「ラノリン」添加食餌飼養家兎各内分泌臓器ノ形態學的變化ニ及ボス「雄性ホルモン」ノ影響ニ關スル研究 : 第4篇 上皮小體
- 「ラノリン」添加食餌飼養家兎各内分泌臓器ノ形態學的變化ニ及ボス「雄性ホルモン」ノ影響ニ關スル研究 : 第3篇 甲状腺
- 「雄性ホルモン」ノ糖質代謝ニ及ボス影響 : 第3編 睾丸内分泌機能異常家兎ノ脂肪添加食餌飼養時ニ於ケル血糖量ノ動揺ニ就テ
- 「雄性ホルモン」ノ糖質代謝ニ及ボス影響 : 第2編 睾丸内分泌機能異常家兎ノ肝臓糖原質減少時ニ於ケル血糖量ノ動揺ニ就テ