- 論文の詳細を見る
Following the increase of interests in participating and spectating sports and the enlargementof the sport industry, education programs with respect to sport have been expandingamong Japanese universities and colleges. Especially, undergraduate programs regardingsport management and sport business have been rapidly growing in the last few years. In2007, there were 43 universities and colleges containing sport management or sport businessprograms. Not only colleges of physical education and sport, but also colleges and departmentswith regard to business, economy, and management have been building such programs. Whilethis new academic field will continue developing, there are several critical problems in educationprograms. It is necessary to establish a standardized sport management curricula and tofacilitate the increase of expertise in sport management education. Limited employmentopportunities in the sport industry also makes sport management education programs difficultto succeed.
- びわこ成蹊スポーツ大学の論文
- 2008-03-15
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