ユースチーム所属選手の所属団体移行パターンとキャリア意識に関する研究 : Jリーグクラブユースチームに所属する選手に注目して
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The purpose of this study is to indicate career patterns and career orientations of youth players in J-league clubs. Questionnaires were distributed to 122 players over different four J-league clubs resulting in 100 (81.9%) usable data. In order to identify the usable participants, we used longitudinal method for the players' career patterns and comparison analysis of player's motives and career orientations for J-league youth clubs. The main results of our study were as follows: ●In the J-league youth clubs, 55.6% of players came from J-league junior youth clubs, whereas 31.3% of players came from other clubs, and 13.1% of players came from junior high school team. ●The comparison analysis of motives for J-league youth clubs showed no significant findings among three groups from junior high school, except for those that "used be a fan of the team." ●84.0% of the players of J-league youth clubs would like to play for a top team in the J-league in near the future and approximately 70% of players want to find a job related to soccer (e.g., coach, team staff, and so on).
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