- 論文の詳細を見る
A concept of the structure is the issue raised by MORI Atsushi. He said that the novel must assert something with its structure. The structure of a literary work results from the conceptual scheme of its reader. Mount Gassan and Ware yukumono no gotoku are MORI's two masterpieces. They seem to be the different realisations of the same structure, or the coincidence of the opposite structures. In any case, we should make clear the structure of his works. The writer of this paper tried to explain the structure of Ware yukumono no gotoku by these topics below: 1. Comparative analysis with Mount Gassan Mount Gassan's structure is a spatial one. It seems to be concentric circles. The central point of circles is temple Chuurenji. Its space is holy place. Chuurenji's 'chuuren' means a border rope. The protagonist entered to the center circle and exited to the outside. The story represents the symbolism of death and rebirth. 2. Two narrators in Ware yukumono no gotoku There are two narrators in the structure of narration of Ware yukumono no gotoku. One narrator does not appear as a character, and another appears. One tells any events, andanother tells only his experiences. They are partly same and partly different. This is avant-garde narratologic strucure. 3. Fantasy and mystery Many mysterious characters appear in Ware yukumono no gotoku. But it is not pure fantasy. They feel and are afraid of existence of mysterious world. However individual will and the karma's will seem to be opposed, they result in the same thing. The destiny is not contradictory to lives of each person. 4. The vacant story The title of this work, ' I am like a person who is going to die'(Ware yukumono no gotoku), means that everything is going to die. This is the idea and the theory of this novel. All things that we can see and happen in real world are in the continual change. All things that have shapes are vacant. This novel says that the novel itself is vacant, too. 5. Who is 'I'? The narrator 'I' enters to the story that he is writing at the last part of text. So that the structure of this novel is completed.
- 山形大学の論文
- 2008-02-15
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