賢治的テクストとパラドックス : 『春と修羅 第三集』から
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Today, the universal value of the art was already lost. Is the artistic literature, which can pursue the human meaning of the text, still possible in such a situation after now? It seems that the text of MIYAZAWA Kenji is a paradox, The meaning of its statement is not unilateral but polyvalent. Nevertheless, while it denied the only ideal about the true God ('hontou no kamisama'), the intention to some ideal itself lasted. It groped about the possibility of the communication by showing its impossibility, at a basis of rhetoric of incommensurable arguing. Then, isn't it possible to understand the persistent rewriting and revising of his compositions, too, as the practice of the paradox at the phase of the generation of text? For example, a completed text was to be fully erased with the eraser (”Kairosei”). A pure farming paean was reversed to the rage of ”the fearful drought” (”osorosii kanbatsu”) by the correction at the last one verse of poem (”Issakunen shigatsu kita toki wa”). Those works, which closed by themselves the road to the harmony, become an expression at form of anti-harmony, and have signification as the powerfull experiment against the traditional form. According to Theory of Beauty of T. W.Adorno, the author of this paper is discussing about lyrical texts in Haru to Shura vol.3 from the viewpoint of a paradox. 1. Text of MIYAZAWA and Paradox Giving an outline of paradox of text of MIYAZAWA, mainly on poems and juvenile novels. 2. Generation of Text and Paradox Analyzing three lyrical works of Haru to Shura vol.3 from the viewpoint of a paradox, with an explanation of peculiarity of MIYAZAWA's texts. 1) ”1022 Issakunen shigatsu kita toki wa” 2) ”1021 Wafuu wa kakoku ippai ni fuku” 3) ”1088 Mou hataraku na” 3. Montage and Paradox Arguing about the visual feature, and the methodological relationship between paradox and montage of works of MIYAZAWA.
- 2005-02-15
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